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Russian Federation

Bryansk, Bezhitskaya str., 14

Bryansk State University

named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky

Department of Biology

Bryansk department of Russian botanical society

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Bulletin of Bryansk department of Russian botanical society

Printed periodical                                                                                                                                                   12+

Welcome to the main paige                                                           ISSN 2307-4353

of the Printed periodical 

"Bulletin of Bryansk Department of Russian botanical society"!

   Full name: «Bulletin of Bryansk Department of Russian botanical society».

   Short name: «Bulletin of Bryansk Department of RBS».

   The founder and publisher: Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education «Bryansk State University named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky».

   Editor-in-chief: Bulokhov A. D., Sc. D. Professor of the Dpt. of Biology of Bryansk State University named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky. 

   Founded: 2013.

   Periodicity: 4 isuues, 300 copies.

   ISSN: 2307-4354.

   Registration certificate ПИ №ТУ32-00223 at 19.03.2013.

   Articles of theoretical, methodical and applied character containing original research material of an author (coauthors), not edited anywhere before, are published in the journal.

   Themes: Anatomy and morphology of plants, Taxonomy of plants, Flora studying, Geobotany, Plant cultivation, Physiology and Biochemistry of plants, Biotechnology of plants, Introduction of plants, Biogeography and landscapae studying. Probably publication of materials in rubrics "Chronicle", "Critics and bibliography", "Anniversaries and dates", "Losses of science", "Review", "Book annotations".

   There is the full repository on this web-site.

   The publication is free for authors.

   The total volume of article shouldn't exceed 10 pages prepared according to the accepted rules. Theoretical survey and debatable articles of bigger volume are published in coordination with an Editorial board.

   The materials presented to edition can't be published in other editions earlier or are at the same time directed to other editions for publication.
   Manuscripts which came to edition pass reviewing. The editorial board can reject the materials which aren't answering to theme of the Bulletin, not corresponding to the level of publications in the reviewed scientific journals, the works issued without observance of rules for authors of the Bulletin or to return them to completion. The editorial board can recommend to authors scientific, stylistic, technical editing of manuscripts. Responsibility for actual data, represented by authors of the materials, is assigned to authors. The Russian and English-language texts of articles pass a correction. The total variant of articles are sent to authors for coordination.




   Russian Federation

   Bryans, Bezhitskaya, str., 14

   Bryansk State University named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky

   Dpt. of Biology

   Bryansk department of Russian botanical society

   Tel.: +7 (4832) 66-68-34.


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